
Monday, November 2, 2020

Resisting Voting for the Demonic

Make no mistake about it, the DFL has now embraced a demonic agenda. They flush God/Jesus from all things, they encourage perversion in our children, they celebrate the murder of babies and they reject the truth that Satan and his demons prowl around looking for someone to devour.  Satan loves it when folks don’t believe he exists and that he is just part of the rejected mythology that the Left is so positive doesn’t exist.  Pray and vote!  Maybe God/Jesus will have mercy on us for a few more years!  Maybe he will let America stand with Trump until the trumpet blows calling us all home!  Wouldn’t that be grand?


In the supposedly thoroughly demythologized modernist era, the worldview that inspired Bosch's art is regarded as now discarded by truly enlightened people.  The art of Bosch, the literature of Dante, Milton, and Goethe, plus the works of theologians over two millennia are considered products of mere superstition.  For secularist moderns, the Devil and his minions are caricatures, a matter of laughter, a trendily chic way to hoist the Church with its own petard.  Who takes the demons seriously?

This in spite of the fact the twentieth and twenty-first centuries have seen the most hideous manifestations of the demonic, much of it accepted and even intensified by the disbelieving, the disengaged, and the "tolerant."  It is indisputable that the Bosch depictions of satanic tortures became reality in the death camps, where human victims endured the agonies of vivisection under the knife of Joseph Mengele; in Unit 731, where men and women were mere specimens for medical experiments; and within the USSR's gulags and detention centers, where dissidents diagnosed with "sluggish schizophrenia" had poison pumped into their veins to cure incorrect thinking.

Even now, right here in America, similar demonic tortures are openly endorsed and performed.  Some are overtly advocated, such as the Church of Satan that recently raffled off an abortion and claimed abortion as a rite protected by freedom of religion.  But dismemberment of the unborn is seen by millions, including some in the churches of our land, as an absolute right.  The result is 61,000,000 unborn children dead.  In addition, the cult of death that is the "T" wing of the LGBTQ+ movement sees as a positive good the drugging and mutilation of children in order to make them faux replicas of the sex opposite of that they were born as.

In short, the gruesome record of the twentieth and now the twenty-first century is there for all to see, but skepticism about demonic influence still reigns among the academic, political, and literary cognoscenti, most of whom deny the existence of the Devil and demons and many of whom deny even the distinction between good and evil.

There are many, some even claiming to be Christians, who do not even see or hear the demon birds standing in the voting line.  Those devilish birds have chirped in the citizen's ears about the death of innocents as a positive "choice" and a human "right" for so long it has deafened many consciences.

But there is a clear choice all people who still have lively consciences.  Be it an openly Satanic cult or a political party, any entity that is openly embracing death as a human right and a positive good for the human race should and can be resisted. 

Tuesday, resistance to the demonic can be shown by voting "no" to the party committed to death and destruction.

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