
Thursday, December 17, 2020

A Nation Divided Will Surely Fall

 Clearly the USA is at a point where hatred amongst it's citizens has reached a crescendo.  Watch some YouTube clips of Antifa and Trump supporters yelling at each other in cities across the country.  Watch the video of a mask wearer screaming at someone who isn't wearing their mask "correctly".  Read the comments from Hollywood actors who hate Trump and hope the Dems can send him to prison to be sodomized by other inmates.

Can you feel the healing begin?

I hate to sound like a broken record, but here is just one more article pointing out that this nation has to be very near a tipping point...standing on the very edge of the abyss.

Also please remember that John Adams told us that our constitution would only serve a "moral and religious people" and won't work for us if we cease to be that.  And of course he meant Judeo-Christian religious and NOT Muslim and Hindu.  Now that Pew has confirmed that only 7% of the nation has a Biblical worldview, very few fear God.  Very few are moral and religious.  It simply can't work much longer.

It is often said that a house divided will surely fall, and the same thing can now be said for the United States as a whole.  If there is anything that this election has made clear, it is the fact that there is little hope of healing the very deep divisions that exist in our country.  

Most of those on the political left absolutely hate those on the political right, and most of those on the political right absolutely hate those on the political left.  But it isn't as if the two opposing sides are even united.  

The radical left is absolutely disgusted with "moderate Democrats" such as Joe Biden and is very much looking forward to the day when their "progressive revolution" finally triumphs in America.  

Meanwhile, the right is hopelessly divided into countless political, religious and economic factions, and there is endless conflict between "conservatives" that are pro-Trump and those that are anti-Trump.  

Over the past 30 years, not much has actually gotten done in D.C., but what little has been accomplished has almost always involved more spending, more debt and more socialism.

One of the reasons why the United States became such a great nation is because originally we were united by a core set of values and principles.  In the beginning, everything was about faith, family and freedom.  Our notions of right and wrong were defined by the Christian faith, the family was the most important institution in our society, and early Americans were desperate for freedom after experiencing deep oppression over in Europe.

But now we have completely abandoned all of that.  The Christian faith has been relentlessly pushed to the fringes of public life, the traditional family unit is mocked while rampant sexual immorality is celebrated all over America, and with each passing day our freedoms are being eroded even more.

At this point, our Constitution has essentially been relegated to being "just a piece of paper" that sits in the National Archives.  It has been trampled on over and over again in recent years, and the courts do not seem to care.

In fact, much of the time it is the courts that are doing the trampling.

We have now gotten to a point where our nation is almost ungovernable.  When Barack Obama first entered the White House, millions upon millions of Americans did not consider him to be a legitimate president.  Then when Donald Trump won the election in 2016, even more Americans did not recognize the legitimacy of his presidency.  

Of course that trend is only going to intensify now that Biden is being installed as president.  According to one brand new survey, a whopping 82 percent of all Trump supporters do not believe that Biden is the "legitimate winner of the 2020 election"...

A strong majority of Donald Trump supporters reject the legitimacy of Joe Biden as President-elect, with many citing election irregularities and the most pervasive censorship campaign in American history in support of Biden on the part of Big Tech companies.

A poll released Sunday by CBS News reveals that 82% of self-identifying Trump supporters do not recognize Biden as the "legitimate winner of the 2020 election."

Of course if the election results were reversed and Donald Trump was given another four years, a similar percentage of Democrats would almost certainly not be willing to recognize the legitimacy of Trump's victory.

No matter who is in the White House from now on, tens of millions of Americans are not going to accept that individual as being legitimate.

And thanks to the events of the past several weeks, the election fraud that has been going on for decades in this country has now been exposed for everyone to see.  From this point forward, a very high percentage of Americans will not have any faith that our elections are fair.

If people don't believe in the system, it is just a matter of time before it completely fails.

John Adams once made the following statement...

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

Today, the American people are neither moral nor religious.  Instead, we have evolved into an "idiocracy" that is dominated by power-hungry control freaks.

Here;  A Nation Divided Shall Surely Fall (

Also please remember that if America falls and ceases to be THE leader of the free world, there IS NOT another God-fearing country available to rush in and fill the vacuum. There is NOT another place that God-fearing religious people will be able to flee to when persecution comes for the Trump voters and followers of Christ.  We might be able to move to a more conservative state like South Dakota or Idaho, but those states will still be part of the fallen and divided America.

Please keep praying.  God is in control.  And please keep your joy no matter what comes because WE WIN in the end.

Even so, Come Lord Jesus!

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