
Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas! God in Flesh Emmanuel

 Merry Christmas from Pigeon Forge, TN, home of Dollywood and located in the Great Smoky Mountains!  We are here unexpectedly because my youngest boy wiped out on his skateboard and required surgery to repair his dislocated and broken ankle. Prayers for healing for Luke would be appreciated.

It’s been said that we will spend the first thousands of years in our new glorified bodies, simply marveling in amazement at how the Creator of the universe humbled himself, stepped into time and became part of His own creation. Our tiny minds simply can’t comprehend such a thing, but they will be more able to once we have our new immortal bodies and are spending our days as the bride of Christ.

As we look around this world and read about mandatory vaccines, stolen elections, cancelled churches, persecution of Christians and collapsing Biblical world views, it makes the “things of this world grow strangely dim.”  It makes us all the more excited to be listening for the trumpet that will summon us home.

Thank you Jesus that you created a way for us to get out of this worldly mess.  We so look forward to the day of your 2nd Advent even as we celebrate your 1st.


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