
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Squirrels Attacking Humans in New York! "Blood Everywhere!"

 For the past 10 years we have been watching for headlines of animals attacking humans.  And we have found plenty of bizarre examples.  Remember the otter that grabbed that woman off her air mattress as she was floating in a lake up North?  How about the strange attacks by coyotes in suburbs?  How about black bears attacking in New Jersey?  How about mountain lions attacking bikers in Utah?

And of course the reason that we watch for these headlines is because of what Revelation says will be coming for the left-behind world during the Great Tribulation.  And if we are close to that time (which many of us think we are) then we should start to see those great events being foreshadowed in our world today.

Revelation 6:8

I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

And now it's the squirrels mauling people!!  Could they be included as wild beasts of the earth?

 Some people living in a Queens neighborhood are afraid to leave their homes. That’s because there have been several aggressive squirrel attacks over the last few weeks, WCBS-TV’s Hazel Sanchez reported Tuesday.

Micheline Frederick is still bruised. Her bite wounds are healing after she was attacked by a squirrel one week ago. “You hear someone has been bitten by a squirrel, you’re like ‘Okay, you got a little nib, what’s the deal?’ But this was … this was an MMA cage match! And I lost!” Frederick said.

She said the squirrel, totally unprovoked, went after her as she stood on the front stoop of her Rego Park home on 65th Drive. She shared graphic photos of the aftermath.

“We’re wrestling in the snow and there’s blood everywhere and my fingers getting chewed and it won’t let go,” Frederick said. “Eventually, it just stopped and there I was a big bloody mess.”

A security camera image shows the squirrel latched on to her left hand. Several of Frederick’s neighbors have also been terrorized by the raging rodent, including Vinati Singh’s family. They were recording the squirrel on their mailbox when it pounced.

“These squirrels are aggressively going after people,” Singh said.


Hollywood should make a movie.  A woman is seen walking in the woods when one squirrel drops on her head from a tree and starts chewing her ears and nose.  She is frantic and screaming as she tries in vain to rip the squirrel from her face.  Soon three more run up her legs and start chewing her.  Then 6 more jump on her back and before long she has fallen to the forest floor.  Another dozen hop on to the downed women.  By the next day there only remains some blood on the ground but even that is soon lapped up by the skunks and coons.  After a few days there is NOTHING LEFT of the lone woman who went walking in the woods.  "Killer squirrels!  Enter the woods...if you dare!"

Hat tip to Julie E.

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