
Monday, January 4, 2021

20 Numbers from 2020 That Are Hard Almost Too Crazy to Believe

 My wife and I laugh when we hear people say goodbye to 2020 while believing/hoping that 2021 is somehow going to be better.  Of course we have no guarantee of that.  Conditions on the ground could actually end up being much, much worse.

But here are just some of the 20 that we thought were really interesting and telling.  If you want to read them all then go to the link I will post.

#4 Almost four out of every ten Americans do not plan to get a COVID-19 vaccine, but the federal government is going to spend 250 million dollars on an "information campaign" that is designed to convince them otherwise.

#5 The civil unrest that erupted all over America following the death of George Floyd ultimately sparked a crime wave that seems as if it will never end.  According to an analysis of data from 57 big city police departments, the number of murders in those cities is up 36.7 percent compared to last year.  In quite a few of those cities, new all-time records are being established in 2020, and many Americans are anticipating even more violence in 2021.

#6 Recent data from Moody's Analytics indicates that approximately 12 million U.S. renters are now "at least $5,850 behind in rent and utilities payments".  Landlords all over the nation are in financial distress because of unpaid rent, and we could potentially see the greatest tsunami of evictions in all of U.S. history if and when all of the rent moratoriums are finally lifted in 2021.

#13 The decline of the U.S. family continued to accelerate in 2020.  According to a recent Gallup survey, only 29 percent of Americans believe that "it is very important for couples who have children together to be married".

#14 Americans have continued to get even bigger in 2020 as well.  At this point, 73 percent of the entire U.S. population is either overweight or obese.

#15 The amount of control that the big tech companies have over our lives has gotten more than just a little bit frightening, but most Americans don't seem to mind.  In fact, one recent survey found that 2 out of every 3 Americans do not care if their smart devices are recording what they say and do at all times.

#16 But if anyone tried to take our smart devices away, then most of us would suddenly become very angry.  Another recent survey found that the average person will spend a total of 44 years looking at digital devices during their lifetimes.

#17 The recent presidential election has deeply divided our nation.  96 percent of Democrats believe that Joe Biden was elected fairly, but only 20 percent of Republicans feel the same way.

#18 Joe Biden only won 16.7 percent of all counties in the United States.  That was a new record low for a winning candidate, beating the previous record low of 22 percent which Barack Obama established in 2012.


Simply amazing!  Only 29% of Americans now thing children and marriage should go together!!

And on top of that obesity is literally bankrupting our nation and health care system.  In many cases the Bible would call that "gluttony" and include it in one of the 7 deadly sins.  And yet I saw a Cosmopolitan Magazine at the grocery story checkout and it had an obese woman on the cover and is trying to celebrate obesity!!

This nation simply can't stand all this trauma, ignorance, division and godlessness for too much longer.

Even so, come Lord Jesus.

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