
Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Church Bombed in California

 Let's note the double standard that applies to Liberals and Democrats in America once more.  If BLM riots, loots and burns then it's supported by Democrats and necessary activity to get their point across.  If Trump supporters do anything violent it's called an insurrection or a hate crime.

If a Muslim mosque preaches hatred of Jews and Israel and the mosque get's bombed then the Left calls that a hate crime and screams for religious freedom.  If a church that preaches traditional marriage and calls gays perverts and sodomites gets bombed, then the media makes apologies for the bombers because of the "hate speech" that was delivered by the pastor.

Got it?

If you saw the headlines for the story about what took place at the First Works Baptist Church in El Monte, California you wouldn’t have thought it was as alarming as it turns out to be.  At first, when you read the headline you thought it was just a minor incident, maybe punk kids screwing around with fireworks.  But it wasn’t fireworks, rather, it was a real hate crime.

What went off at the church was an improvised explosive device (IED) of the same nature as what our military soldiers had to deal with in Iraq and Afghanistan.  The explosion was so powerful it blew out all of the windows and sent smoke belching from the building afterward.  In the aftermath, if you went inside you found the walls were covered in hateful graffiti.  The FBI is now looking into it, but after what the FBI has done over the last four years can they be trusted to investigate a crime against a church?  It just so happens that the pastor of the church contacted the FBI two weeks ago to report threats of violence in arson.

“Anytime a house of worship is attacked, we will respond,” the FBI spokeswoman said. “If it was motivated in any way by hate, that’s always a working theory when a house of worship is attacked, although that has not been confirmed.”  But what about when there are warnings brought to the attention of the FBI by houses of worship that an attack is imminent?  In this case, the FBI did nothing.  They got involved after the fact.

Folks, this is the type of attack that conservatives have been warning about if Biden won the election.   Millions of Americans believe he didn’t win but successfully stole the election from President Trump.  We told you that attacks like this would continue and probably exacerbate because the anarchist groups like ANTIFA, and BLM would feel that they now own the country.

The LA Sheriff’s department set up a command post near the church following the explosion.  The bombing of the church happened only two weeks after Pastor Bruce Meija said that he contacted the police after getting a threat on social media that his church was going to be set on fire.

“It appeared that the walls to the church had been vandalized as well as all the windows at first appeared to be smashed,” El Monte Police Department Lt. Christopher Cano said. “Then, we realized that the windows were not smashed and that they had actually blown out from some type of explosion.”

The most sickening thing about this is that our mainstream news media didn’t really focus on the bombing of an American church, rather, they focused on the fact that the church opposes same-sex marriage.  So, according to the reaction of our mainstream news media, a hate crime against a church is not newsworthy if the church’s dogma goes against a leftist dogma.  Ladies and gentlemen that is a sick attitude by any industry that is supposed to bring truth to the American people.

For example, KTLA5 ran a headline “FBI investigating bomb ‘attack’ at anti-LGBTQ church in El Monte.”

NBC ran a headline saying “FBI investigates explosion at anti-LGBTQ church in California.”

ABC ran with “FBI investigating explosion, graffiti at California church known for anti-LGBT views.”

Did they have to add in “anti-LGBTQ” to their headlines?   The purpose of that was to dehumanize the people from the church.  The Woke has to dehumanize the unwoke in order to discredit them so that they can be dismissed.  The American media has in effect blamed the bombing of a church on the church itself.


Can you even imagine NBC reporting the bombing of a mosque by saying, "FBI Investigating bombing at Jew-hating mosque".  Of course not.

Welcome to the world of America where the mainstream media controls the narrative and decides what is news and what isn't.

We hope that the Bible believing churches in America are going to begin to make preparations for how they are going to react when the bully-government continues to tell them when they can be open, how many people can attend, what they can preach and whom they are legally required to marry.

The Left is not in power to build the unity of America as Biden and company have already lied about. They are in power to seek revenge for anyone that disagrees with them.

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