
Thursday, January 14, 2021

Girl Claims She's a Kitty Cat

 Some of the strange things the Left in this country is responsible for.

God said He created them male and female.  The Bible then goes on to use the words father, mother, son, daughter.  Nancy Pelosi has now said that those words are no longer appropriate for our newly WOKE culture.  She has reportedly said they can't be used in the US Congress anymore.

God created men with certain anatomy that fits into a woman.  It's called sex and is reserved for a husband and wife within the union of marriage. The Left now says that gay sex is equally valid and that two men or two women should be celebrated when they marry.  If you disagree you are homophobic.

Soon polyamory and polygamy will be brought forth in America.  People will claim that humans were never meant to be monogamous and demand to have 3-4-5 spouses.  The Left will certainly champion the cause because, "You can't truly be equal until the bi-sexuals get the same privileges the rest of us have."

The Left has also championed transgender, trans-sexual and even trans-species.  It's the idea that you are NOT the gender, or species, of the body into which you were born.  For all of human history we used to call these people mentally ill.  But not anymore!  The Left told us all that if a 16 year old high school boy shows up on Monday and says, "I'm a girl!"  From that instant he has to be allowed to play on all girl sports teams and enter all girls locker rooms and bathrooms.

And today I spoke to a friend who works at public school teaching middle school kids.  In this small school they have had no less than 3 kids come forward and change their gender.  These are kids!!  "I'm not Amanda anymore, as of today please call me Gordon and my pronouns are she and her."  OK!  Got it Gordon!  Oh, one other thing...Gordon can also order you to use the pronouns he/she uses.  And in one case Gordon has insisted his pronouns are THEY AND THEM.  OK!  Got it!!

So as a teacher you not only have to memorize your students names but also have to remember what they are pretending to be and what pronouns they prefer!!!  These folks are crazy!!

And now the coup de a neighboring school a 6 year old girl has told her teacher that she identifies as a kitty cat.  She prefers to sit under her desk so she can scratch and lay down as needed.  She says her name is Mittens and her preferred pronouns are THEY AND THEM.  And the school can't tell her parents this!  If she is trans-species then that is her business and not the business of her parents.

Same thing with Amanda at age 12 deciding she is no longer a girl but is a boy.  Her parents can't be notified if she only wants to identify as Gordon during the school day.

Just because someone else is insane does NOT mean we have to join in their insanity.

But according to the Left we must!  If we refuse to join their insanity they will beat us over the heads with words like HOMOPHOBE and SEXIST and TRANSPHOBIC and soon POLYPHOBIC and SPECIAPHOBE.  Sticks and stones my break my bones but names will never hurt me!

And so the Left will soon attach penalties to anyone who refuses their insanity.  You can be fired as a teacher if you refuse.  You can lose your job almost anywhere if you refuse.

Daniel was tossed in the lions den and Shadrack went into the fiery furnace for refusing.  How are going to prepare ourselves to act when our country of America turns on us?

Don't be surprised when the world hates you because it hated Jesus first.

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