
Thursday, January 28, 2021

Palestinians Gloat As Biden Tears Up Trump Peace Deal

 The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob said that He will bless the nations whose Lord is Him and also will bless the nations who bless Israel and will curse the nations that curse Israel.

Israel loved Trump and he was most likely the biggest blessing that had comer their way in a long time.  But now Biden comes along and starts telling the Palestinian leaders that he plans on going back to the way things were under Obama....which was a nightmare for Israel.

So now we have Sleepy Joe reading from the book of Palms while he climbs in bed with the god of Abraham, Ishmael and Muhammad.

How do you think that might play out for America?

PA gloats as Biden team returns to old peace formula: The deal of the century is dead

Palestinian minister says that the PA had received assurances that the “Deal of the Century” has been taken off the table.

The Palestinian Authority (PA) reacted with relief Tuesday to the Biden administration’s new-old approach to the Arab-Israeli conflict as outlined by the U.S. acting ambassador to the UN earlier in the day.

“For the first time, President Biden’s administration has officially expressed its position toward the peace process and the two-state solution,” said PA Minister of Social Development Ahmed Majdalani.

“We believe that this position constitutes an important positive step on the road to restoring U.S.-Palestinian bilateral relations and opens the door wide to restore the peace process within the framework of multilateral international sponsorship.”

Majdalani also noted that the new American administration had quietly told the PA that it rejected former president Trump’s peace plan, which had been hailed in Israel as a workable basis for negotiations with the Palestinians, but which the PA had vetoed out of hand.

“There are channels of communication between the Palestinian Authority and Biden’s staff, and it’s now possible to get relations with the U.S. back on track after important indications were received regarding the removal of the Deal of the Century off the table,” he said.

Speaking at the monthly UN Security Council meeting on the Middle East, Richard Mills had stressed the importance of “renewing U.S. relations with the Palestinian leadership” and reinstating American aid as part of confidence-building measures to encourage negotiations toward a two-state solution.


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