
Friday, February 12, 2021

Amazon Is Building “Tower of Babel”

 Check out the planned design of Amazon’s new headquarters to be built.  Pretty hard to look at photos and say it’s just a coincidence.


Amazon has just unveiled the plans for its new corporate headquarters that will stand in Arlington, Virginia, directly across the Potomac River from Washington DC. The announcement inaccurately describes the design as a “double helix” but scholars of ancient history and the Bible will readily recognize the ancient model for the design: the Tower of Babel.

Rabbinic literature offers many different accounts of other causes for building the Tower of Babel, and of the intentions of its builders. According to one midrash, the builders of the Tower, called “the generation of secession” in the Jewish sources, said: “God has no right to choose the upper world for Himself, and to leave the lower world to us; therefore we will build us a tower, with an idol on the top holding a sword, so that it may appear as if it intended to war with God.” The building of the Tower was meant to bid defiance not only to God but also to Abraham, who exhorted the builders to reverence.

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