
Friday, February 5, 2021

No Flesh Would Survive

 Wars and rumors of war are all around us.  It would seem that the world is getting ready for some sort of massive clash.  What would cause it?  How about a financial meltdown?  How about disputes over the South China sea and the "territory" that China is dredging up off the sea floor?  How about some type of misunderstanding with Russia, Turkey or Iran?  What if Turkey, Iran and Russia decide to take care of the "Israel problem"?

Here's quite a headline speaking of nuclear war.  And of course the danger with a war between nuclear states would happen if one side saw itself being swallowed by their enemy and "pushed the button" in hopes staving off total destruction.

Adm. Charles Richard, head of US Strategic Command, stressed that while the prospect of nuclear war is "low," it is not "impossible, particularly in a crisis." The assessment comes as the US and Russia extended the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty for five years.

Richard, whose command is responsible, among other things, for the US's strategic and nuclear deterrence, wrote that while the prospect of nuclear war was currently "low," it is not "impossible, particularly in a crisis," he maintained.

The admiral warned that China and Russia have "begun to aggressively challenge international norms" in "ways not seen since the height of the Cold War." Richard cited a rise in cyberattacks and "threats in space," as well as their investment in advanced arms such as nuclear weapons.

He added that the acceleration of Russia and China's strategic capabilities and witnessing the progress they have been able to make were "sobering."

"China continues to make technological leaps in capabilities in every domain," Richard wrote. "Across its conventional weapons systems, it continues to invest significant resources in hypersonic and advanced missile systems, as well as to expand its space and counter-space capabilities."

The admiral further explained that although China has maintained a No First Use policy with regard to nuclear weapons since the 1960s, it has, however, pursued a buildup of advanced capabilities.

"There is a real possibility that a regional crisis with Russia or China could escalate quickly to a conflict involving nuclear weapons, if they perceived a conventional loss would threaten the regime or state," he continued.


Jesus tells us plainly that things will one day get so bad on planet earth that if he didn't return to stop the carnage that NO FLESH would survive.  Clearly he is not speaking of a war with bows and arrows or even guns and grenades.  He's speaking of a time when the nuclear powers on earth,(who remain after the rapture) combined with famine, demon worship, drug use, and plagues, decide to push the button and destroy their enemies with one final act.  And of course we know that there are enough nukes on planet earth right now to destroy the earth 10 times over.

So as we watch the headlines we are sad to see where the lost, sinful men are headed but joyful to know that Jesus is in control of the whole shootin' match and nothing currently happening is outside of His control.  And even more thankful that the Bride of Christ will not be suffering through this soon-coming hell on earth.

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