
Thursday, March 25, 2021

At-Home Abortions

 Satan’s dream state is to convince a society that killing little babies easily and effectively is every woman’s right!  And the abortion lovers want to make it easy for little girls to get the drugs online to poison and kill their babies even without their parents knowledge.  In their twisted minds getting acne medicine for 14 yr old girl needs parental consent.  Killing zits will soon have more roadblocks than killing babies in USA.  How long until our cup of sin is full to overflowing?  Has judgment already started?


The battle over abortion rights has a dramatic new front: the fight over whether the Biden administration will make pills available online.

Even as they keep a sharp eye on the increasingly conservative Supreme Court, activists, lawmakers and medical groups are pushing Biden’s FDA to lift restrictions on a 20-year-old drug for terminating early pregnancies. Such a decision would dramatically remake the abortion landscape by making the pills available online and by mail even if the Supreme Court overturns or cuts back Roe vs. Wade.

“They’re trying as hard as they can to restrict access to the pills now because they know they won’t be able, later, to unring the bell,” said Mary Ziegler, a professor at the Florida State University College of Law who studies abortion. “This is just as important as what happens with Roe.”

Biden’s pledge to “follow the science” when it comes to public health is under scrutiny as medical experts argue — citing new data gained during the pandemic — that administering the abortion drugs remotely is safe and effective.

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