
Friday, March 5, 2021

COVID Passports Required for Admission

Of course we are all being prepped to show a mark to enter any building, buy any groceries, go to any sporting event or get on any plane, bus or public transportation.


New York City has unveiled a vaccine passport system that could see anyone unable to prove they have taken the COVID shot barred from events venues.

Anyone attending events where the system is in place will be required to use a phone app or paper version of the pass to display their ‘green’ vaccination and testing status, with state guidelines in place to mandate the scheme.

Dubbed, the “Excelsior Pass”, the system was tested for a second time at Madison Square Garden this week during a New York Rangers game.

The system, which was first tested at The Barclays Center last month, was announced this week by Governor Andrew Cuomo, who claimed that all information gleaned will remain “completely confidential.”

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