
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Netanyahu Says More Muslim Nations Set to Join Peace Accord

 Are we seeing prophecy align before our eyes as Israel continues to set up peace agreements with long-time arch enemies?  Could this be the actual peace agreement that the Antichrist CONFIRMS when he shows up after the rapture of the church?

FROM BREITBART NEWS: “I brought… four peace agreements, and there are another four on the way,” he said in an interview with the Hebrew-language Ynet news site. “I talked about one of them yesterday.”

According to the Israeli premier, he conversed with “one of the leaders in the region” on Monday night for 45 minutes about the possibility of a normalization deal.

“I pledged to take care of the citizens of Israel and I do so with a deep sense of mission,” he added.

The so-called Abraham Accords, brokered by the Trump administration, saw four Arab Muslim states — the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan — establish ties with Israel.

Several Muslim-majority nations, including Indonesia, Mauritania, and even Saudi Arabia, are thought to be next on the list.


I know that many of us prayed the Trump would get 4 more years to keep the godless Left at bay, but what if Trump was ONLY put in power by God Almighty to put the focus on Jerusalem by putting our embassy there?  And then naming the Golan Heights as an eternal part of Israel?  And then starting the ball rolling on the Abraham Peace Accords?

Continue to pray, "Thy Kingdom come!"

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