
Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Radical Indoctrination Coming to American School Kids

 Most of us know that Public Schools have been totally taken over by the Left.  They sway our children Left and hope to turn them all into Democratic voters who abhor global warming and celebrate LGBTQIA.  If it hasn't been accomplished by High School then the colleges expect to finish the job.

But wait!  It gets worse!  Did you know all of us white settlers committed theocide??  Yes it's a new word made up by the "woke" people to explain how the whites got rid of all the Aztec and Inca gods and replaced them with the Christian God.  Oh the horror!!

When a new curriculum is too woke for the New York Times, it has to be the most wildly out-of-step model this country's ever seen. It also has to be from California, which is one of the only states capable of taking public education to places even liberals would oppose. 

"The idea that a tax-supported public school system would, or could, be used to unleash this vicious cultural and spiritual poison into our young people's consciousness is both extremely offensive and quite possibly illegal," the Times's Bret Stephens wrote. 

And yet today, that "poison" is on the verge of becoming the Ethnic Studies standard for six million U.S. students.

There was some hope, after last October when Governor Gavin Newsom (D) actually vetoed an earlier draft of this curriculum, that its creators would get the message that its curriculum was too much for even the state's far-Left activists. Instead, the California Department of Education doubled down, writing another version that's just as controversial as the one rejected by the state school board the last go-around. 

Stephens, who you have to credit for blowing the doors off of this proposal in what has become one of the most far Left papers in the country, couldn't believe his eyes.

"Ethnic studies," he pointed out, is supposed to be about multiculturalism. And unfortunately, that's what some people might think if they didn't dig deeper into the 900 pages of details. "[This] is not a way of exploring, much less celebrating, America's pluralistic society. 

It is an assault on it... Public education is supposed to create a sense of common citizenship while cultivating the habits of independent thinking. This is a curriculum that magnifies differences, encourages tribal loyalties and advances ideological groupthink." It shouldn't be like this, he insisted.

Other outlets have started to pick up on absurd religious section, where children are taught that Christian settlers committed "theocide" against the Native Americans by "murdering" their gods and replacing them with the Christian God. 

This is what happens, NRO's Cameron Hilditch warns, when parents refuse to take on public education. "There is no other area of American life that conservative have so comprehensively abandoned for such a long period of time as K-12 education. Children in the public schools today are fated for this kind of indoctrination." 


And what did God tell the Israelites over and over again?

Exodus 20  You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,

And soon we will have all the liberals screaming further against the God of the Bible!  "Quit murdering all the other gods!!"

It seems to be evident that America has now entered the POST-CHRISTIAN phase.  And we can be guaranteed that it won't go well for nations who curse and mock God/Jesus/Holy Spirit.

I agree with a comment made by our pastor on Sunday, "Maybe we should start having 'Persecution practice' so we are prepared when it comes."

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