
Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Take the Mark in Exchange for Your Freedom!

 We all know that people are willing to go to incredible lengths in order to get out of the fear zone.  They also will most likely incredible things in order to get their freedom back.

"Hey!  Get this mark on your arm that links us to your bank account and your health passport and you will be able to fly again, rent cars again, stay at hotels again, get into sports venues again and shop in grocery stores again!"

Sure!!  I'll take the mark!!

All of us Bible readers are well aware that this past year of COVID has been preparing the populace for DOING AS THEY ARE TOLD which will come full circle during the Great Tribulation.  And next up will be the COVID passports which will be required to do many things.  Of course this COVID passport that proves your vaccination IS NOT the mark of the beast but it's certainly a foreshadowing of what's coming.

CNN provided a platform for NYU medical ‘ethics’ professor Arthur Caplan Sunday, who argued that Americans skeptical of taking the COVID vaccine will soon come around and accept it if their freedoms otherwise remain restricted.

Caplan argued that allowing people to have their freedoms returned after lockdown is the most “powerful incentive” to push the vaccine.

“If you promise people more mobility, more ability to get a job, more ability to get travel, that’s a very powerful incentive to actually achieve fuller vaccination,” Caplan told Fareed Zakaria.

The segment even began with the infamous ‘show me your papers’ scene from the movie Casablanca:

Caplan argued that Americans will “gain freedom” if a COVID certification system is enacted.\

Caplan continued “Vaccine passports do require access; it’s hard to impose anything unless you are pretty sure that somebody can get a vaccine. So I think it’ll be a little while before we see this, let’s say within the U.S.”

“But there are going to be communities and areas of the country where it starts to make sense due to high availability of the vaccine to say, ‘you wanna come back to work in person? Gotta show me a vaccine certificate. You wanna go in a bar, a restaurant? Gotta show me a vaccine certificate,’” he added.

When asked about the dangers of a two tier society, and who can get access to the vaccine, Caplan stated “I think there will be some inequality in the U.S., but hopefully it’ll wash out quickly as the supplies increase very rapidly, I think they’re going to.”

Caplan predicted that “the world won’t wait for vaccine passports” until all countries are ready, and that they will be put into place regardless of whether poorer or less equipped countries can be a part of the system.

As we reported last week, New York City has unveiled a vaccine passport system in conjunction with IBM, trialling it at two sports events so far.

Covid passport systems, which we have been covering for months now, are being rapidly adopted worldwide both domestically and for international travel, despite the fact that the immunity status of vaccinations is not yet extensively known, and despite warnings that such schemes could lead to mass discrimination against those who choose not to take the shot.


"You wanna buy or sell anything??  Gotta show me your mark!"

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