
Monday, March 1, 2021

The Thought Police Are Coming For You

 What if you believed what the Bible says about God creating humans as male and female?  No problem, right?  That's what free thoughts and free speech is all about.  But of course the Left doesn't believe that you are entitled to free thinking anymore.  In fact, they believe that if you believe differently than they do that YOU need to be silenced.

And how will they go about silencing you?  By making sure that every big corporation, news outlet and Public school has signed onto the "bully squad" and "thought police force".  When you say something like "a woman can only be pregnant with a boy or a girl" and you dare to post that to social media, the thought police will swoop in and tell you that you are wrong.  Next they will get you fired from your job or suspended from your school until you can be re-educated in one of their re-education classes or camps.

Think we are kidding?  Check out this story.

A New York university has suspended an education student from mandatory teaching programs for posting Instagram videos expressing conservative ideology.

State University of New York (SUNY) Geneseo sent an email to education student Owen Stevens placing him on suspension from his field teaching programs after his peers uncovered videos of him preaching conservative dogma. The school claims that Stevens’ videos “call into question” his ability to “maintain a classroom environment protecting the mental and emotional well-being of all of [his] students.”

According to a copy of Steven’s suspension obtained by The Daily Wire, the education student will remain suspended from participating in in-school field experiences and courses that have field experiences until he completes a “remediation plan.” The remediation plan includes taking down his Instagram videos, toning down his social media presence, and attending school-sanctioned training.

Stevens told The Daily Wire he refuses to take part in “re-education” training.

“After review of all available materials, I find that, based on your continued public stance and social media presence, you do not consistently demonstrate behaviors required by the Conceptual Framework of the School of Education,” the Dean of the School of Education wrote in an email to Stevens.

The university claims that Stevens violated the school’s inclusivity doctrine, which requires teachers to foster “a diverse campus community marked by mutual respect for the unique talents and contributions of each individual.”

The Dean also insinuated that future teachers are required to support all aspects of homosexuality and gender identity. During one of his Instagram videos, Stevens said, “A man is a man, a woman is a woman. A man is not a woman and a woman is not a man.” The Dean told Stevens that his scientific stance on biology is “in conflict” with the state’s Dignity for All Students Act.

“You continue to maintain, ‘I do not recognize the gender that they claim to be if they are not biologically that gender,’” the Dean said. “This public position is in conflict with the Dignity for All Students Act requiring teachers to maintain a classroom environment protecting the mental and emotional well-being of all students.”

Other videos on Steven’s Instagram page include him explaining how Columbus Day isn’t about celebrating every facet of Christopher Columbus’ life and how race-based clubs can be toxic to racial progress.

Stevens told The Daily Wire that he’s received threats from his peers since his videos were uncovered.

“I’ve received threats and horrible incidents of students who all feel like they are making the world a better place by becoming the woke thought police,” Stevens said. “Overall, I want justice and the right thing to be done.”

Here;  Student Suspended From Education Program For Saying, ‘A Man Is A Man, A Woman Is A Woman’ | The Daily Wire

Stories like these are going to become more and more common as the godless Left begin to police all opinions.  I remember a few years ago the President of Mozilla software was FIRED because it was discovered that he had given money YEARS EARLIER to a conservative group that was lobbying for traditional marriage in California.

Yep!  The Left claims to be the party of tolerance but in reality they are militantly INTOLERANT to anyone who refuses to think just like they do.

Prepare yourselves because this is going to only get worse.  But if we silence ourselves now then they have already won.  We all need to be bold and speak the truth even if it means losing friends, family or even your job.  

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