
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

"Worst Mice Plague I've Ever Seen"

 Millions of mice have descended on Australia and are literally eating all the grain in site.  They are running everywhere and getting into everything.  Worst they've ever seen.

Notice how the NBC article calls it an "end-of-days challenge".

After one of its worst wildfire seasons and a global pandemic, Australia is now facing its latest end-of-days challenge: a “monumental” plague of mice.

“I know we had two mice per square meter in our cropping paddocks at the peak … [so] if I have the math right, it’s 20 million mice. That’s more mice than the population of most big cities,” he said.

 Roth said at one point he and his family were catching and disposing of around 100 mice each day inside their house and offices.

“They’re all around the house. Every time you open a drawer, you’re potentially going to find one,” he said. “You’ll be sitting at the desk and a mouse will run across it.”

He said the mice were eating the cotton crops as well as grain stored in silos.

Roth, who has spent his whole life in regional and rural Australia, said this was “the worst mice plague I’ve ever seen.”

“They certainly smell. That’s what my memory of this is going to be — the smell,” he said. “The smell of the dead mice in and around the house and the farm.”

Steve Henry conducts mice research with Australia’s national science agency, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.

Henry said the outbreak, which is of the non-native house mouse, is “monumental” and continues to have severe economic and social effects.

“Some farmers are giving up on summer crops … because the mice have damaged them so severely, so that’s essentially a total crop loss,” he said. “And in some scenarios where farmers have managed to get the crops through to harvest, they’ve had it rejected because it’s full of mouse poo.”

Here;  'Worst mice plague I've ever seen': Millions of rodents descend on eastern Australia (

We can't say for sure whether this is a birth pang that Jesus told us to watch for, but certainly it is more evidence that the earth is groaning for it's redemption.  It also fits nicely into our NEVER and EVER file.  "Worst ever!"  "I've NEVER seen anything like it!"

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