
Thursday, April 15, 2021

BLM Founder Goes on Real Estate Buying Binge

 Nothing says "Justice for black lives!" like the founder buying an expensive home in a white neighborhood.  You see, just like lots of liberals they run on the premise of,  "Do as I say, not as I do".  They might show up at Black Lives Matter protests with all the poor blacks in Minneapolis to protest the wrongful death of George Floyd and maybe even get some riots and looting to start, but in the end they don't want to live with those people.  They want to retire to their 5 bedroom estate with a swimming pool and hang out with the white folks they pretend to loathe.

Hawk Newsome, leader of Black Lives Matter Greater New York City, is demanding an "independent investigation" into the finances of Black Lives Matter.

"If you go around calling yourself a socialist, you have to ask how much of her own personal money is going to charitable causes," Newsome told the New York Post. "It's really sad because it makes people doubt the validity of the movement and overlook the fact that it's the people that carry this movement."

"We need black firms and black accountants to go in there and find out where the money is going," he added.

According to the New York Post, Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors went on a "real estate-buying binge, snagging four high-end homes for $3.2 million in the US alone" since 2016.

Not only does she own the $1.4 million property in Topanga Canyon that was widely reported on, but she has purchased three other properties in recent years, and even reportedly considered buying property in an exclusive resort in the Bahamas where Tiger Woods and Justin Timberlake own property.

The three other properties include, according to the Post:

A three-bedroom home in Inglewood, California, that she purchased in 2016 for $510,000, which is now reportedly worth approximately $800,000

A four-bedroom home in South Los Angeles that she purchased in 2018 for $590,000, which is now reportedly worth $720,000

A three-bedroom property on 3.2 acres in rural Conyers, Georgia, that reportedly has its own private runway that accommodates small airplanes

The average home price in the U.S. stands at around $270,000, according to Zillow, whereas the average home price in California is $635,000.

Here;  ​Investigation demanded after Black Lives Matter co-founder exposed for 'real estate-buying binge'​ - Conservative Review

How funny that Hank, who decries racism at every event, demands that only black firms and black accountants go in to investigate the perceived wrongs. So he isn't going to look for the BEST people to investigate!  Nope!  He's going to pull out the skin-color chart and make sure that the folks he hires to investigate are black enough to do the job he wants done.

Of course this is the VERY DEFINITION of racism.

"Yes 911 operator?  We have 2 black males who are robbing a liquor store.  Please send only black police to arrest them?  No yellow, red, brown or white officers please!  Cuz if police have to shoot these robbers they can only be shot by black officers or BLM will burn down the city again!"

I'd love to see them apply the same racist rules to the NBA.  Only 7% of Americans are black males, so how do you describe the NBA who has 74% black players??  Shouldn't they be required to apply the skin-color chart when hiring players and make sure everything is fair?  After all, wasn't it the blacks who were screaming at Hollywood elites for NOT having enough black actors and directors put up for awards?  They didn't care who were deemed the best actors, actresses and directors but only were concerned about the color of the skin of those put forth as nominees. 

Let's please remember that even if all humans were the exact same skin tone we would figure out other reasons to hate each other.  It's all part of the fall of man.

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