
Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Covid Vaccine May Soon Be Requirement for Employment

As the Mark of the Beast moves closer to being a requirement we see much foreshadowing taking place with this Covid vaccine.

With the release and subsequent Emergency Use Authorization of the COVID vaccines, many Americans have been leery of possible vaccine requirements from their employers and others, in the near future.

Several universities have already mandated that students and staff receive the COVID vaccine in order to return to campus in 2021, including Yale and Notre Dame.

According to a leaked memo from Cumulus Media, those fears have proven to be valid for some. Cumulus Media is the third-largest owner and operator of radio stations in America; and news source The Daily Wire was recently made aware that the company is requiring 100% vaccination of employees wanting to return to work in the office, beginning May 1.

Despite being vaccinated, employees will still be required to wear masks and socially distance at the office.

 Read it here;  American Announcement —

This no longer has anything to do with the science of the Covid virus but has now moved into government encouraging employers to have 100% of control over employee's freedom.  Whatever happened to HIPPA?  Gone.....

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