
Monday, April 26, 2021

Critical Race Theory

 If you have never heard of Critical Race Theory you may want to get up to speed really quick because it may be coming into a church or school near you.  It's a flat-out lie that many folks on the Left have bought into.  Basically, if you are white then you are a racist and if you don't know you are a racist then you are ignorant and/or in denial.

Watch this short video from Prager U What Is Critical Race Theory? | PragerU

We have heard chatter that some liberal churches are already embracing these teachings.  Even worse, we have heard rumors that Minnesota liberal politicians want to shove it into all public schools and start brainwashing our kids from a very young age.

Do people hate each other??  Yes of course!  Do some white people claim to hate people because they are black, brown, red or yellow?  Of course!  Do some black people hate red people?  Of course!  So let's pretend that we are God and could snap our fingers and make everyone EXACTLY the same skin pigmentation?  Would that instantly end racism?  By definition it would have to because there would no longer be a different skin tone to point to.  So can we assume that if racism was cancelled out that hatred would cease?  OF COURSE NOT!!!  We would all figure out all sorts of ways to hate other people. 

So let's all please do as the video says and stand up against CRT when the conversation comes your way...because if it hasn't already, it will.

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