
Monday, April 26, 2021

Drag Queens Encourage Perversion

 Remember a few years ago when all the public libraries were hosting “Drag queen story hour” and perverted men dressed as women were celebrated for educating our kids about tolerance and acceptance?  Many on the Right warned that these perverted men are very interested in teaching perversion (grooming) to our young boys. Turns out we were correct.


The left has insisted that its LGBT agenda is harmless and that conservatives who oppose it are hateful and evil. A disturbing new video exposes the truth about that agenda.

Former congressional candidate Angela Stanton-King posted a video to Instagram last week that showed children participating in a drag show. A man dressed up as a woman taught two young girls how to pose and strut for the crowd.

Stanton-King said in the video that it was in Los Angeles, but she corrected that in the post and in a follow-up video, identifying the location as Palace South Beach, an LGBT nightclub in Miami Beach, Florida.

The video begins with Stanton-King questioning in an expletive-laden monologue why it is that these children are taking part in a sexualized show.

“It is 11:40 at night and these people have children in a f***ing drag show,” she said.

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