
Monday, April 19, 2021

Pig Head Used in Hopes to Terrorize Witness

This is how the leftists work;  you agree with everything their mob says and if you dare go against their narrative they will bully, threaten and terrorize you and your family. They will find out where you live (easy now because of Google) or where you used to live, publish that address and then tell their mobs to do some evil to you or your family and “make you pay” for your ideas that don’t align with theirs.


 SANTA ROSA, Calif. — Vandals left a pig's head at the one-time California home of a use-of-force expert who testified on behalf of the officer accused of killing George Floyd, police said.

Blood was also smeared on the house in Santa Rosa, north of San Francisco, that once belonged to Barry Brodd, a retired police officer who was on the stand in the Minneapolis murder trial last week, according to a police statement Saturday.

"It appears the suspects in this vandalism were targeting Mr. Brodd for his testimony," the Santa Rosa Police Department said. "Mr. Brodd has not lived at the residence for a number of years and is no longer a resident of California."

Brodd, a former Santa Rosa police officer, testified at the murder trial that he believes Officer Derek Chauvin's restraint of Floyd was in keeping with proper police practice.

Brodd told jurors Chauvin was "justified" in his use of force – the first witness to claim the restraint on Floyd was acceptable.

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