
Friday, April 9, 2021

Putin Gives Himself a Good Chance at Being Gog

 Ezekiel 38 has yet to be fulfilled.  It speaks of a day, probably following the rapture of the church, that Russia, Turkey and Iran will join intentions and forces with some other North African Muslim nations, to destroy Israel.  Their coalition leader will be the leader of Russia.  

For years we have watched Putin take over Russia and install himself as the supreme leader.  Could it be Putin who ultimately fulfills the Ezekiel 38 prophecy?  He may have just bought himself a much bigger chance!

Unless ill health or other circumstance intervenes, President Vladimir Putin could if he chooses continue to lead Russia until 2036 under a law he signed on Monday. That would make him one of the world’s oldest heads of state by the time he leaves office.

Controversial changes to the constitution last year “reset” presidential term limits, meaning that once Putin’s current term ends in 2024, he would be eligible to run for two further six-year terms. (Presidential terms were extended in 2012 from four to six years.)

Putin would then have effectively ruled Russia, as president or executive prime minister, for a total of almost 36 years, from the age of 48 to the age of 83.

Of currently serving heads of state – excluding royalty or royal appointees – only Cameroon President Paul Biya, now 88, and Lebanese President Michel Aoun, 87, are older. (If President Biden ran for a second term and won, he would be 82 years and two months old on inauguration day in January 2025.)

The proposed constitutional changes were approved in a national referendum last summer, with 78.5 percent of voters purportedly backing them, while 21.4 percent were opposed. The exercise was tainted by reports of widespread irregularities and vote-rigging, with claims that as many as 22 million votes (of a total of 74 million) may have been fraudulent.

After the referendum, Putin signed an executive order to insert the amendments into the Russian constitution. The lower and upper legislatures last month then passed the legislation paving the way for the incumbent to hold onto power until 2036.


It would be most likely that this coalition would attempt to attack Israel after America's military might has crumbled and is no longer capable of coming to Israel's aid.  America's collapse will be most likely to happen following the rapture of the church when millions of born-again American's vanish and the US Dollar collapses almost overnight. 

Another big chess piece keeps moving around on the board.  How much longer Jesus?

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