
Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Delta Airlines Mandates Employee Vaccinations

We will probably say this again and again but if you can’t see that this Covid shot is a precursor to The Mark of the Beast mentioned in Revelation 13, you have your eyes totally closed. We always wondered how the Antichrist would force everyone to take his mark in order to buy or sell anything. And now we know he won’t have to force most people.  They will line up like good liberals and do exactly what the government tells them.  And when Delta, Walmart, Target and every other “woke” corporation starts mandating to see the mark before you can enter their business, the Left Behind folks who discover Jesus will have a near impossible task of surviving.


“Any person joining Delta in the future – future employees – we’re going to mandate they be vaccinated before they can sign up with the company,” said Delta CEO Ed  Bastian during an interview.

The company claimed that the vaccine mandate will ensure that the airline can safely operate while at the same time protecting its employees and customers from the coronavirus. (Related: Businesses threaten to push mandatory coronavirus vaccinations for employees.)

A Delta spokesman said that the vaccine requirement will not be imposed on the company’s current employees. The spokesman said that around 60 percent of Delta’s nearly 75,000 employees have already been vaccinated. Bastian said he expects around 80 percent of the company’s entire workforce will get vaccinated.

During the interview, Bastian noted that it would not be fair to his current employees to make vaccination a requirement for them to keep their jobs, especially “if there’s some philosophical issue they have.”

“I’m not going to mandate and force people if they have some specific reason why they don’t want to get vaccinated, but I’m going to strongly encourage them and make sure they understand the risks to not getting vaccinated,” he said.

Current Delta employees who choose to not get the vaccine will be required to get tested at least once a week for COVID-19 and will likely be prohibited from working on international flights. Bastian said this is because foreign governments might require vaccinations for anybody entering their countries.

“It signals confidence that we’re doing everything we can to keep [employees] safe as well as to keep our customers safe because customers knew Delta employees were being tested all throughout the process,” said Bastian of the company’s testing and vaccination regulations.

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