
Monday, May 10, 2021

Herschel Walker Warns of NFL, NBA & MLB Supporting BLM

The Democrats are using race to divide us. They want the blacks to believe the lie that the Democratic Party will help them and so continue to vote them into office. So it’s necessary to keep all the blacks angry and believing they are victims. Enter BLM which is a racist group of Anti-Americans who stoke the anger and preach the lie that blacks are victims and that “whitey” has his boot on his neck. Now that NFL, NBA, and MLB are supporting this terrorist organization WHY would any of us offer them our support by viewing their games, buying their tickets or buying their hot dogs?  Thanks Herschel, for speaking up.


After seeing another video in which BLM activists were seen burning the American flag and the Bible, Walker decided to make a statement saying that enough is enough.

Walker has appeared on Fox News in the past, and has also posted videos to his own YouTube account calling Donald Trump the “best one in office.” Now, he is taking aim at the NBA, the NFL, the MLB, and all other sports leagues that are embracing the BLM agenda.

“I don’t think it’s right,” Walker says. “We cannot continue to sweep stuff underneath the rug because sooner or later we’re going to stumble. People, we are being fooled.”

What Walker and many others want to know is if professional sports leagues really support rioting, looting, and Bible-burning, or if they are just pandering to the trends of the day in an attempt to stay relevant?

“Democrats used to be the party of the KKK and white supremacy,” Walker tweeted last fall. “Now they’re the party of BLM and black supremacy. Both are equally dangerous. All lives matter.”

That a black man would say “all lives matter” defies the left-wing narrative that only “racist” conservatives would ever say such a thing. And Christian is right: BLM is about fomenting black supremacy and anti-white racism.

To be a so-called “anti-racist” is to actually be an anti-white racist. Privileged white liberals are apparently too dense to recognize this, though, in their quest to destroy themselves and everyone else like them.

“The dirty little secret of Black Lives Matter is that it is like the Ku Klux Klan,” writes Erin Erhardt for Western Journal. “Both movements define and group people based on race. Both use intimidation and violence to get what they want.”

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