
Tuesday, May 25, 2021

How and Why You Could Be Forced to Get Covid Shot

They keep calling it a Covid Vaccine but as one doctor pointed out it should be called the “Covid shot”. A vaccine prevents you from getting the disease and that’s not what’s happening with Covid. You can still get it but they claim the symptoms will be lessened. And that’s why we call it the “flu shot” and not the “flu vaccine”.

They are estimating that 30% of Americans are not going to get the Covid shot.  So watch this CNBC report that tells how all Americans could be forced to get the Covid shot.

As you watch this video think about how close we must be to that time when the Bridegroom will come for His bride.  All the technology is here to fulfill what the books of Daniel and Revelation prophesied over 2000 years ago.  Are we all ready to fly away to our wedding?  If it wasn’t true Jesus wouldn’t have said it.

Watch video here;

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