
Friday, May 28, 2021

Iranian Nuke is "Inevitable" Says IAEA

 Israel has vowed that Iran will never get nukes.  The Arab world doesn't want the Shi'ite Muslims of Iran (Persians, not Arabs) to get their hands on a nuke.  Meanwhile Obama signed a deal with Iran worth $billions.  Iran took the money but never signed the agreement.  Trump ripped it up and now Biden wants to sign it again, because his main handler, Barack Obama, has told him to do so.

We appear to be heading for a showdown between Iran and Israel.  If Russia and Turkey join Iran in their destruction of Israel plans then we will see Ezekiel 38 play out.  However, most prophecy watchers seem to believe that the rapture of the church will happen before this.

Amid ongoing talks in Vienna regarding a possible U.S. return to the 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran, the head of the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog warned in an interview published on Tuesday that “you cannot put the genie back in the bottle.”

International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Rafael Grossi told the Financial Times that while most of the measures taken by Iran since the United States unilaterally exited the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in 2018 could be reversed, the level of research and development that has taken place since then is an “issue.”

“The Iranian program has grown, become more sophisticated, so the linear return to 2015 is no longer possible. What you can do is keep their activities below the parameters of 2015,” he said.

The only way to accomplish this, he said, is through verification.

Grossi noted that Iran has now stockpiled 10 times the 300 kg (661 lb.) of enriched uranium stipulated by the accord, including some to near-weapons grade.

Iran announced on April 13 that it had notified the IAEA of its intent to begin enriching uranium to 60 percent purity, far above the 3.67 percent level stipulated by the JCPOA. Iran had already begun enriching uranium to the 20 percent level in the preceding months. The nuclear watchdog confirmed just days later that Iran had indeed begun the process of enriching to 60 percent, at its Natanz nuclear facility.

“A country enriching at 60 percent is a very serious thing—only countries making bombs are reaching this level,”  Grossi told the Financial Times. “Sixty percent is almost weapons grade, commercial enrichment is 2, 3 [per cent].”

While it is Iran’s “sovereign right” to develop its nuclear program, he said, “This is a degree that requires a vigilant eye.”

“It’s obvious that with a program with the degree of ambition, sophistication that Iran has, you need a very robust, very strong verification system … otherwise it becomes very fragile,” he added.

Iran restricted its cooperation with IAEA inspectors in February, although it agreed to allow some monitoring to continue for a three-month period that was extended this week until June 24, six days after Iran’s presidential elections.

Grossi told the Financial Times that the arrangement would ultimately be “unsustainable.”


So we know that Russia, Turkey and Iran are all dreaming of the day when they can get rid of Israel once and for all.

But let's remember what God tells us in Ezekiel 39.

9 “‘Then those who live in the towns of Israel will go out and use the weapons for fuel and burn them up—the small and large shields, the bows and arrows, the war clubs and spears. For seven years they will use them for fuel. 10 They will not need to gather wood from the fields or cut it from the forests, because they will use the weapons for fuel. And they will plunder those who plundered them and loot those who looted them, declares the Sovereign Lord.

For 7 years the Israelites will be burning the weapons of war that these folks brought to use against them.  This is the very reason that many prophecy watchers put the timing of Ezekiel 38-39 in between the rapture and the Antichrist confirming a peace agreement.  It wouldn't seem right for Israel to be burning massive amounts of weapons and using them for fuel DURING the 1000 year reign of Christ on earth.  The 1000 year reign will be a time when the curse is lifted and lions will lay down with lambs and children will play with poisonous snakes and not get bitten.  To have billowing clouds of smoke coming from Israel as they continue burning weapons for fuel seems to not make sense.

So if we are seeing an event come into focus that happens AFTER the much more should we be looking up and listening for the Bridegroom?

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