
Monday, May 17, 2021

Lebanon Undergoing Financial & Economic Collapse

What happens when a nation makes a whole bunch of financial mistakes?  Answer; ultimately No one wants their currency. And when other folks from around the world lose faith in your currency the demand for it falls. When the demand falls the value falls. At first it’s worth less as value begins to fall. Then the government has to choice but to keep printing to pay their bills. And then it becomes worthless.

It’s not just a currency problem. Lebanon has had lots of problems that stem around radical Muslims having power in government.  Look at any nation that is led by Muslims and you will find a crap hole that no one wants to move to yet most would like to move from.


 Lebanon is undergoing financial and economic collapse. 

The country's currency has lost around 85% of its value and the majority of the population could soon face acute poverty. 

The BBC met one nurse who explains what the disintegration of the country means to him.

Watch short video here;

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