
Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Pentagon Whistleblower Warns of UFO’s

We know what it is! It’s the same luciferian deceivers who have been deceiving mankind since the earliest days of humanity.  “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood...”


The whistleblower said the highly anticipated report will address what UFO believers have been clamoring to discover about Tic Tac-shaped objects the Navy saw in 2004, the strange “cubes within spheres” seen by naval aviators in 2014 and mysterious black triangles reported around the world.

“I am not a UFO guy, I am an investigator, my job was (simply) to collect the data and speak the truth,” Elizondo told the US Sun.

“There is something in our skies, we don’t know what it is, we don’t know how it works, we don’t know fully what it can do, we don’t know who is behind the wheel, we don’t know its intentions, and there isn’t a damn thing we can do about it,” he added.

“If it turns out we have been leapfrogged technologically by a foreign adversary, then we are dealing with an intelligence failure on the level of 9/11,” Elizondo told the outlet. “It took three years to write the 9/11 report — and I am not sure if these things have been in our skies for decades that 180 days is enough time to provide the level of information Congress is asking for and deserves,” he added.

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