
Thursday, May 20, 2021

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Major Abortion Case

 There can be no doubt that the blood of millions of aborted babies has been crying our to their Creator for justice.  And yet year after year we sacrifice these babies at the idol of convenience.  "We are too busy for a baby!"  "I don't want a baby yet!"  "We have no money for a baby!"  "My boyfriend and I already broke up!"  And the list goes on and on.

Here we read that the SCOTUS will take up a case in Mississippi.  Let's be prayerful about this.  Maybe Roe V Wade will be overturned and the blight of murder will begin to be rolled back?

The Supreme Court agreed Monday to hear a Mississippi case challenging the constitutionality of that state’s 2018 law prohibiting abortions after 15 weeks except in cases of medical emergency or when a severe fetal abnormality is detected.

The high court’s announcement that it will hear arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health came after it considered the case in conference no fewer than 12 separate times.

The ramifications of Dobbs, to be argued nearly 49 years after the Supreme Court legalized abortion on demand in Roe v. Wade, promise to reverberate for some time.   

In reporting on the high court’s order Monday, mainstream media outlets clutched their pearls and unsurprisingly characterized the decision to hear the case as portending a massive rollback of reproductive rights.

Pro-life conservatives everywhere can only hope.

Mississippi raised three issues on appeal, including whether abortion providers have third-party standing to file lawsuits on their own behalf and on behalf of their patients challenging laws related to the right to an abortion.

The state also asked the Supreme Court to consider whether the validity of its law should be analyzed under the “undue burden” standard articulated by the court in 1992 in Planned Parenthood v. Casey (a case that reaffirmed but modified the constitutional right to an abortion that the court devised in its 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade) and/or under the “balancing of benefits and burdens” standard as laid out by the court in 2016 in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt.  

Mississippi filed its appeal before last year’s Supreme Court decision, June Medical Services v. Russo, a case in which the high court ruled that a law requiring abortion doctors to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals constituted an “undue burden” on a woman’s right to get an abortion.

Whole Woman’s Health was, according to Chief Justice John Roberts’ concurring opinion in June Medical, a deviation from Casey’s “undue burden” standard. So, despite the lack of an explicit agreement to take up the issue, the Supreme Court most likely will have to restate that standard as the one it will apply in reviewing Mississippi’s law. 

Some scholars believe the Mississippi case is the perfect vehicle to overturn Roe v. Wade and its progeny, including Planned Parenthood v. Casey. It’s certainly the best opportunity so far that the court has had to do so.    

Dobbs is also the first major abortion challenge heard by the Supreme Court since the newest justice, Amy Coney Barrett, joined the eight other justices.

Here;  Roe in Crosshairs as Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Big Abortion Case (

Of course the BEST WAY for a woman to not have a baby is to not have sexual intercourse.  Yet in today's perverse society that would be unthinkable!  We have all been programmed to believe that if we aren't having sex by age 16 that there is something wrong with us!  Of course God created sexual intercourse as an act of intimacy that is to be preserved for 1 married man and his wife.  Not wives, not girlfriends, not lovers, not hook-ups, not screwing other men. 

God knows that if a baby comes of this union between a married man and woman who were married before God and said their oaths to God in front of witnesses, that the baby has the best possible chance for life, love and being taught the Godly ways of life, love, marriage and sex.

Of course Satan doesn't want this to happen.  So he convinces us all that "sex is natural, sex is fun, sex is fun with anyone!"  He knows that if he can convince us to ignore God's rules that the result will be mayhem for the unwed mothers and babies. He knows that millions of women will be willing to kill their unborn babies in an attempt to avoid the consequences of their disobedience.

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