
Tuesday, May 4, 2021

The Daily War Against Police Officers

 If you haven't seen this yet you really must watch it.  A police officer pulls over a lady and she instantly starts recording his approach with her cell phone AND calls him a murderer.  She continues to berate him and hassle him.  Finally she goes full racist on him because he is Latino.  She says he'll never be white but will always be "just be a Mexican".

Also this lady claims to be a teacher.  We hope this goes viral and her face gets recognized and she can be held accountable for being a racist.  If she is a teacher we hope the parents of her students demand she resign.

Rarely do we hear an individual so thoroughly disgrace herself as this woman did during a traffic stop by a Latino Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputy last month.

She had been pulled over for using her cell phone while driving.

The deputy approaches the car and tells her, “I pulled you over today because … “

“Because you’re a murderer,” she says, interrupting him. During their brief encounter, she repeatedly calls the deputy a “murderer.” She insists that he call his supervisor because “you’re threatening to kill me and my son.”

The deputy is the model of restraint. He remains calm and polite as she spews her poison.

She concludes by informing him that he will never be white.

“You’re always gonna be a Mexican, you’ll never be white, you know that?” she says. “You’ll never be white, which is what you really want to be.”

The interaction documented in this video is what the repeated vilification of police officers leads to. It gives this woman and countless others like her a license to treat cops as if they were sub-human.

It’s heartbreaking to watch. The officer is exhausted, heartbroken with the state of his country. He, like many others, has to go to work every day and face the anti-cop rhetoric that has ripped through the U.S. Most cops are good. But the good ones have to face hatred every day thanks to a stream of politically driven attacks from the left.

Here;  Watch: Cop Shows Admirable Restraint in the Face of Horrific Tongue-Lashing from Angry Driver (

Even though her face is blurred out many of the commenters say you can clearly see the lady is black if you look at her hands.  This would make it even more interesting when she tells the officer that he is a Mexican who really wants to be white but will never be white.  We wonder if the MSM would pick up this story if it was a white woman saying such nasty things to a black cop?  We are going to guess they would!  That would meet their narrative.  But if it's a black woman saying racist things against Latinos...pass.

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