
Saturday, May 8, 2021

Vaccine Passport Needed to Enter Canada?

Of course, by now, all of my readers realize that the world is being prepared to show some type of mark in order to buy or sell anything.  


The Canadian government is set to make Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine passports mandatory for travelers entering the country. This includes Americans who want to cross the border. Government ministers claim that the Canadian public supports its push for vaccine passports.

Talking to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Canadian Minister of Health Patty Hajdu said the country would  “absolutely” take part in a vaccine passport program. He also confirmed that it was currently in talks with other Group of Seven (G7) nations regarding the rollout of a unified vaccine passport scheme.

“Canadians need to be able to have the right kind of certification for international travel because, as we know, Canadians will want to travel internationally, and they will want to make sure they have the right credentials to do that from a vaccination perspective,” said Hajdu during the radio show.

Hajdu said that she is regularly meeting with the health ministers of other G7 nations regarding what a vaccine passport would look like. She is also talking with them on how to approach the creation of such a passport in a standardized manner.

She believes that Canada will be able to easily fast-track the creation of a vaccine passport by adapting an app that already exists in the country.

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