
Thursday, June 3, 2021

75% Increase in Anti Semitic Attacks in America

 We know that God uses persecution to draw the Jews back to the land he promised Abraham.  If they get too cozy in any country why would they leave?  So the fact that Jew hatred is growing in America isn't surprising.  It's sad that it's happening in America but it's not surprising. 

The recent wave of anti-Semitic attacks that swept across the US was sparked by the conflict between Israel and Gaza. But the underlying basis of the attacks having nothing to do with Israel was evident on social media in which the message “Hitler was right” peaked. 

The ADL recently reported that concurrent with the conflict in Israel, acts of harassment and vandalism, and violence surged in cities with large Jewish populations but also in less urban areas. They claimed a 75% increase in anti-Semitism reports to the agency after Israeli-Palestinian fighting began. The figure jumped from 127 incidents in the two weeks prior to fighting to 222 in the two weeks after violence broke out. Though couched in terms of anti-Zionism, previous Israel-Arab conflicts did not generate such a rise in anti-Semitism.

This was most evident on Twitter where variations of the phrase “Hitler was right” were posted more than 17,000 times (according to the Anti-Defamation League) in just a one-week span in May. In addition, the anti-Semitic hashtag #Covid1948 trended on Twitter in several countries, being shared up to 175 times per minute for over four hours on May 13. The hashtag, likening the birth of the state of Israel in 1948 to the COVID-19 virus, was frequently accompanied by blatantly anti-Jewish content. It often appeared alongside #FreePalestine and was associated with hashtags like #Hitlerwasright and #Zionazi.

Studies show that this disturbing online chatter can have real-world implications. In a  study published in the Jewish Journal, the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI), reported that “extremist hashtags and slogans are upstream predictors of real-world violence and unrest.”

Professor Robert Rozett, a Senior Historian in the International Institute for Holocaust Research, explained that this recent violence was actually new seeds of hatred sprouting from “fertile ground.”


Yes, God might use persecution to draw the Jews out of the nations from which they have been scattered for 2000 years but God also promised to curse those nations who cursed Israel and the Jews.  So what will become of America if she starts to turn on Jews and our DFL leaders don't support Israel but instead support their enemies in Gaza and Iran?

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