
Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Earthquakes Increasing in Frequency

 This is kind of interesting so I’ll let you click on the link and read the entire article for yourself. If correct it would appear that the USGS has been understating the amount of earthquakes and now suddenly went in and updated their figures.  Jesus told us to watch for quakes to increase at the nearness of His return.


Do you ever get the feeling that you are being lied to by our current governmental agencies or leaders? If so, then you are in good company, as many believe the same. The USGS earthquake statistics have been rampant with lies, deceptions, false statistics, and what appears to be deliberate attempts to prove scripture untrue. Perhaps the agency should change its name to the United States Garbage Shovelers.

This will not end well for those government agencies or their employees who engage in these activities. Yahweh’s word is very clear: those who seek to harm another will be put to shame and disgraced (Psalm 71:24). Those who live uprightly and speak the truth will live securely (Isaiah 33:15-16), but the untrustworthy and all liars will be cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 21:8).

Original vs. New Statistics

Every year for the past twenty years, I have double-checked the figures published by the USGS agency before posting my Yearly Update diatribe. Below are the original statistics and then the new figures published by the USGS as of June 1, 2021. Note the huge differences in the total number of earthquakes up until 2012, at which point they begin to taper off, down to a mere 3751 in 2020!

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