
Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Eating Ourselves to Death

Did you know that Starbucks spends more on health insurance for employees than it does on coffee?  How about General Motors spending more for health insurance than it does for steel??

So why is America spending so much on health care and insurance?  Because we are quite literally eating ourselves to death.  Obesity is out of control.  And sadly, obese people are more depressed, so they need drugs.  They can't sleep, so they need drugs.  They have bad knees and bad backs so they need surgery and drugs.  The list goes on and on.

American's like to point to other nations like Norway and say, "See!  They have universal health care and it only costs a fraction of what we pay!!"  Have you been to Norway lately?  Friends who have been there recently tell me you can't find a fat person anywhere...unless you run into other tourists from America.

No doubt there are many reasons for our obesity and gluttony.  I do know it's cheaper to eat crap from McDonalds than it is to buy health food at a grocery store.  But I also know it's a lot easier to lay on the sofa and eat chips all day than it is to get outside and go for a long walk.

In the end, the Bible has a handful of verses on gluttony.  Often times it can be a spiritual problem and it can point out a false idol in our lives.  Just like some are carried away by an addiction to alcohol or drugs. others are carried away by an addiction to food.

Check out this video from Prager University on Overmedicated America

Overmedicated America | PragerU

Proverbs 23:21  

for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags.

In the end, America may simply implode on itself as we become poor because of our drug, alcohol and food addictions.

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