
Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Is US West Facing a Mega-Drought?

The Bible says there will be famine in the last days. Many times famine is brought about because of war, but what happens if God just shuts off the snow that melts and flows into the reservoirs that waters the fields of California? What if Lake Mead goes dry that waters all of “Sin City”, Las Vegas?  How can it be smart to move 60,000,000 Americans into a desert and have them all flush toilets, shower, wash cars and water golf courses?  We may soon find out.


Water Dries Up in Colorado River, Rio Grande 

The water situation in the western half of the U.S. is concerning, to say the least. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation released 24-month projections the week of April 11, finding the Colorado River would be drier than in typical years, reported CBS News (April 17).

The river is a major source of water for many regions in the U.S., and with less water running down from the Rocky Mountains, it appears unlikely that Lake Powel and Lake Mead will capture enough water to fully support businesses and citizens living nearby.

Meanwhile, the Rio Grande may go dry in 2021 for the first time in 30 years as federal water managers outlined a scenario with little rainfall, below-average snowpack, low soil moisture levels, and warm temperatures. The waterway is a major source of irrigation for thousands of square miles of farmland in New Mexico, Texas, and Mexico, reported CBS News (April 15).

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