
Monday, July 5, 2021

As America Parties, Our Enemies Are Prepping

 As we read the news that Biden is pulling the last US Troops out of Afghanistan after 20 yrs of conflict, the mood in America might be that we have no further chance of military confrontations.  We are too busy building houses, eating at restaurants, buying campers and planning our next vacation to even PONDER the chance that some big nations would love to see us collapse and may be preparing the militaries for a confrontation.

Here in the middle of 2021, Americans are generally feeling pretty good about things.  The COVID pandemic appears to be subsiding, our sports stadiums are full of fans again, the stock market has been soaring, and all over the country people are in the mood to party.  

July 4th celebrations across the nation were considered quite boisterous this year.  But in China the mood is quite different, and the same thing is true in Russia.  

In both cases, politicians are talking tough about the United States, and in both cases the military is being prepared for a potential future conflict.  

Right now, our relations with China are the worst that they have been in decades, and our relations with Russia have never been this bad in our entire history.  But the vast majority of Americans are completely and utterly clueless about all of this, because most Americans couldn't care less about what happens on the other side of the globe.

This week, China commemorated the 100th anniversary of the CCP, and Xi Jinping used that as an opportunity to warn that any nation that tries to bully China "will have their heads bashed bloody"...

"Only socialism can save China, and only socialism with Chinese characteristics can develop China," he said.

"We will never allow anyone to bully, oppress or subjugate China.

"Anyone who dares try to do that will have their heads bashed bloody against the Great Wall of Steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people."

So exactly who do you think that Xi Jinping was referring to when he made that statement?

Do you think that it was Denmark?

Perhaps Iceland?

No, of course he was referring to the United States.

During his speech, he also spoke very forcefully about reunification with Taiwan...

Resolving the Taiwan question and realizing China's complete reunification is a historic mission and an unshakable commitment of the Communist Party of China. It is also a shared aspiration of all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation. We will uphold the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus, and advance peaceful national reunification. 

All of us, compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, must come together and move forward in unison. We must take resolute action to utterly defeat any attempt toward "Taiwan independence," and work together to create a bright future for national rejuvenation. No one should underestimate the resolve, the will, and the ability of the Chinese people to defend their national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Most Americans have absolutely no idea how serious this situation is.

In Taiwan, there is a big push to formally declare independence, and the Biden administration has been greatly angering the Chinese government by supporting the right of the Taiwanese people to determine their own future.

If Taiwan formally declares independence, China will invade.

And if China invades, the U.S. military will intervene.

If a military conflict between the U.S. and China suddenly erupted, it would probably not "go nuclear" initially.  But China has been feverishly preparing for a scenario in which nuclear weapons will be used...

China is potentially expanding its missile silos following satellite image analysis - indicating the country is also seeking to increase its nuclear weapon stockpile. At least 119 potential silos were identified in the desert in Gansu Province spread over 700-square-miles to increase their nuclear arsenal which is estimated to be made up of between 250 to 315 nuclear weapons. It comes as President Xi Jinping issued a warning to 'bullying' foreign nations telling them to stay out of China's business during a speech earlier this week.

In addition to construction at that site, the Chinese are building new silos in other locations as well...

"If the silos under construction at other sites across China are added to the count, the total comes to about 145 silos under construction," Lewis, director of the East Asia Nonproliferation Program at the Center for Nonproliferation Studies, part of the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, said in a summary of his findings provided to The Washington Post. "We believe China is expanding its nuclear forces in part to maintain a deterrent that can survive a U.S. first strike in sufficient numbers to defeat U.S. missile defenses."

Instead of focusing on making their military "more diverse", the Chinese are actually working very hard to prepare for the next war, and the dramatic shift that we have been witnessing has stunned U.S. officials...

The discovery follows recent warnings by Pentagon officials about rapid advances in China's nuclear capability. Adm. Charles Richard, who commands U.S. nuclear forces, said at a congressional hearing in April that a "breathtaking expansion" was underway in China, including an expanding arsenal of ICBMs and new mobile missile launchers that can be easily hidden from satellites. In addition, the Chinese navy has introduced new nuclear-weapons-capable submarines to its growing fleet.

Did you catch that where he said, "Most Americans have absolutely no idea how serious this situation is."  Yep!  That would be 100% correct!  Most Americans can't even tell you who fought the Civil War in America or WHO we got our independence from!

Most Americans have NO CLUE that USA has vowed to defend Taiwan from Chinese aggression.  If China attacks Taiwan are most Americans going to be in favor of fighting China in a head to head war?  Does anyone have any idea about what technologies are going to be released during the next war?  Hypersonic drones?  Armed robots with infrared vision?

Most Americans will be eating and drinking, planting, building, marrying and honeymooning and will have NO IDEA what was on the horizon until the rapture came and withdrew the Holy Spirit and which will leave the entire planet with no forces to restrain the power of the Antichrist and Satan.  America will collapse very quickly following the rapture and this will leave her 100% at the mercy of China and Russia...and THEY are getting ready.

We are so ripe for the return of Jesus.  I hope and pray that WE are the generation that will see the coming of the King!

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