
Friday, July 16, 2021

First Time Ever

 We saw this headline on the video and thought it was blog-worthy.  Remember how many times we have seen these claims in the past 15 years??  "Largest EVER!  First time EVER!  Never before seen!  Worst time ever!  Hottest ever!  Driest EVER!  Wettest ever!  Coldest ever!"  Yep, the NEVER's and EVER's are pointing to the extremes that we continue to witness.  Many folks believe it is simply more birth pangs that point us to the nearness of the return of the King.

This video is explaining how Lake Mead keeps dropping to historic levels.  For the first time ever the Federal Government may be stepping in to take control of WHO gets what little water is left.  Does Arizona, Nevada or California get their water reduced first?

Remember how quickly Las Vegas would vanish if one day they couldn't flush their toilets, water their plants or fill their swimming pools.  "Sin City" would come to a quick and sudden stop.

Watch the news report here;

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