
Wednesday, July 28, 2021

France Approves Covid Passports

The mark of the beast is sooooo being prepared!  Every pastor at every church should be preparing their congregations to meet Jesus and encouraging them to be busy about the Lord’s work.  It’s exciting to ponder that WE are probably the generation that Paul spoke of 2000 years ago!  “And then those of us alive and left will be transformed in the twinkling of an eye...”  Encourage each other with these words!


The French Parliament  has approved a “vaccine passport” scheme that will require citizens to procure proof of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injection whenever they travel domestically or eat out at a restaurant.

All health care workers in France will also have to get a jab, and prove that they did, in order to keep their jobs resident Emmanuel Macron expressed excitement about the scheme, calling it a necessity in order to protect the vulnerable, supposedly, and keep hospitalizations to a minimum.

Macron had earlier in the month indicated that he would like for Fauci Flu shots to become a requirement in order to live. If he gets his way, the French will not be allowed to buy, sell, or do anything without first getting a Trump Vaccine.

By Sept. 15, all French health care workers will need to get the shot and show it to their employers, or else risk suspension. All French citizens will also need to get their “health pass” by that date in order to enter all restaurants, trains, airplanes, and some public venues.

The new rules will apply to all adults at first, and by Sept. 30 will also apply to everyone 12 years of age and older. To get the “health pass,” the French will need to show proof of “full” vaccination, present a recent “negative” test, or prove that they recently recovered from the Wuhan Flu.

The French government says it will accept either paper or digital documents showing proof of injection. It is also working on a new government decree for how to handle vaccination documents presented by visitors from other countries.

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