
Thursday, July 8, 2021

Top Prophetic Events Coming Our Way

 I’ll let you read this entire article on your own. It points to all the converging prophetic events which the Bible says will happen.  But I wanted to point out one of them that ties into what some of you heard me speak about in adult education a few weeks ago.  This guy confirms my ideas that Demons masquerading as aliens and telling the left-behind world lies, will be part of Satan’s bag of tricks. The fact that the world’s governments are now disclosing their UFO files should remind us that the return of Christ is imminent.  Be busy doing the Master’s work when He returns!  Encourage each other!


12. Unrestrained Supernatural Deception - (2 Thessalonians 2:7-12), For almost 2000 years, Satan has been aware of a prophecy that promises of a time to come when he will be unrestrained to deceive mankind. The prophecy says that the Devil will unleash all of his power through signs and lying wonders in the immediate aftermath of the Rapture. 

You can bet the Devil has something powerfully deceptive in his bag of tricks. It could involve fallen angels and demons masquerading as extra-terrestrials from outer space who claim that they are superior to people and that mankind is not alone in this universe. This would blow a huge hole in the biblical narrative. Presently, the USA is beginning to divulge some of its classified findings on the UFO phenomenon. It will be interesting to see how this scenario develops in the near future.

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