
Monday, July 12, 2021

World Prepares to Explain Away the Rapture

We have blogged about and spoken of "aliens" as being demons-in-disguise for some years now.

Jan Markell is a prolific writer and radio host on the topic of prophecy and Last Days.  If you haven't listed to her weekly broadcast you really need to start.  I haven't missed any of her programs in years.

Her latest show has Pastor Billy Krone as a guest.  Billy was in deep to the occult and new age movement before Jesus saved him and he now pastors a church in Las Vegas.  You really need to take the time to listen to this interview.  He confirms everything I've been saying.  Even to the point of the Catholic Church getting ready to accept, receive and baptize any aliens that show up. 

There can be no doubt that we are in the phase of FULL DISCLOSURE as government officials are now verifying that they have been in contact with UAP's (Unidentified Ariel Phenomenon) which is just a fancier name for what are commonly called UFO's.

Satan first used the work of Charles Darwin over 150 years ago to convince the world that we evolved from nothing and that God wasn't needed in the equation.  Once you believe that life could form on planet earth without any help from God then it only stands to reason that life would have spontaneously erupted on countless other planets.  And if those beings "evolved" before us they could be thousands of years ahead of us in their how the false argument goes.

Please listen below.  We all have to be armed to explain to our family and friends what the heck is going on here.


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