
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Doctor Who Discovered HIV Says “Don’t Get Covid Shot”

 I had another phone call and text from the MN Department of Health. They want to make sure every man, woman and child get the Covid shot. They offer money, prizes, football tickets and then resort to coercion if the prizes didn’t get you.  So here’s what a super-smart Dr is saying about Covid shots. Read the last sentence twice as did let it sink in about coercion and mandates.  BTW, a good friend just told me that his fully vaccinated adult son and the son’s fully vaccinated girlfriend both have Covid. I repeat;  It’s Not A Vaccine!


First considered is the thinking of Dr. Luc Montagnier, a French virologist and recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).  He has a doctorate in medicine.  But there is a lot more to conclude he is a great expert: He has received more than 20 major awards, including the French National Order of Merit and the Légion d’honneur.  He is a recipient of the Lasker Award, the Scheele Award, the Louis-Jeantet Prize for medicine , the Gairdner Award  the Golden Plate Award of the American Academy of Achievement, King Faisal International Prize (known as the Arab Nobel Prize), and the Prince of Asturias Award.

He has worked hard to expose the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines, still experimental but sadly may soon be fully approved.  The vaccines don’t stop the virus, argues the prominent virologist, they do the opposite — they “feed the virus,” and facilitate its development into stronger and more transmittable variants.  These new virus variants will be more resistant to vaccination and may cause more health implications than their “original” versions.

Montagnier refers to the mass vaccine program as an “unacceptable mistake” and are a “scientific error as well as a medical error.”  His assertion is that “The history books will show that…it is the vaccination that is creating the variants.”  In other words: “There are antibodies, created by the vaccine,” forcing the virus to “find another solution” or die.  “This is where the variants are created.  It is the variants that “are a production and result from the vaccination.”  Stop and think about these thoughts.  Have you heard a better explanation of variant creation?  I doubt it.

He is talking about the mutation and strengthening of the virus from a phenomenon known as Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE).  ADE is a mechanism that increases the ability of a virus to enter cells and cause a worsening of the disease.

Data from around the world confirms ADE occurs in SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, says Montagnier. “You see it in each country, it’s the same: the curve of vaccination is followed by the curve of deaths.”  Sounds like what we are now hearing more about, namely escalating breakthrough infections that kill some people.  And this spiral into disaster may have no end.

In a November 2020 documentary he emphasized harmful and irrational mask mandates as well as lockdowns, quarantines, abuses of government overreach, and supported use of effective COVID treatments such as hydroxychloroquine.  The film was banned by YouTube and most other mainstream outlets.  At that time Fauci had succeeded in blocking wide use of the cheap generic based treatments for COVID and pursued the wait for the vaccine strategy.

Montagnier has been a vocal critic of the mass vaccination campaign.  In a letter to the President and Judges of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel, which unrolled the world’s speediest and the most massive vaccination campaign, Montagnier argued for its suspension.  He said: “I would like to summarize the potential dangers of these vaccines in a mass vaccination policy.”  Here they are:

1. Short-term side effects: these are not the normal local reactions found for any vaccination, but serious reactions involve the life of the recipient such as anaphylactic shock linked to a component of the vaccine mixture, or severe allergies or an autoimmune reaction up to cell aplasia.  In this group we should include a number of lethal blood problems involving clots and loss of platelets that cause strokes, brain bleeds and other impacts.

Lack of vaccine protection:

2.1 In induced antibodies do not neutralize a viral infection, but on the contrary facilitate it depending on the recipient.  The latter may have already been exposed to the virus asymptomatically.  Naturally induced antibodies may compete with the antibodies induced by the vaccine.

2.2 The production of antibodies induced by vaccination in a population highly exposed to the virus will lead to the selection of variants resistant to these antibodies.  These variants can be more virulent or more transmissible.  This is what we are seeing now.  An endless virus-vaccine race that will always turn to the advantage for the virus.

Long-term effects: Contrary to the claims of the manufacturers of messenger RNA vaccines, there is a risk of integration of viral RNA into the human genome. Our cells have the ability to reverse transcriptase from RNA into DNA. Although this is a rare event, its passage through the DNA of germ cells and its transmission to future generations cannot be excluded.

His bottom line: “Faced with an unpredictable future, it is better to abstain.”  But most people will find it extremely difficult to resist all the coercion and vaccine mandates.

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