
Monday, August 2, 2021

God’s Wrath

 When it comes to the return of Christ there are different opinions.  I'm convinced that some folks desperately WANT to go through the Great Tribulation so they can stand at Jesus' feet and say, "See what I did Lord!  I kept the faith!  I was beheaded, tortured, persecuted but I DID IT!!  I kept the faith!  Now pat me on the back and tell me how I earned my salvation!"

Of course the takes away a huge part of the Gospel in that JESUS PAID IT ALL!  You had NOTHING to do with earning your salvation.  Yes, there will be rewards that Christ will bring with him and yes, Billy Graham will have different rewards that some dude who begs Jesus to save him on his death bed, but that's NOT a salvation issue.

So here is just one other verse to remind us that followers of Christ on earth today WILL NOT be going through the Great Tribulation.  We are waiting for the Trumpet to blow and Jesus to snatch us off this planet to join him in the clouds with our new bodies that will be just like His!  

Encourage each other with these words!

Romans 5:9 

Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him?

Amen and Amen!!

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