
Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Hamas Congratulates Taliban Over Defeating USA

The debacle of Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan will embolden Muslim terrorists all over the world. Also it’s being reported that USA left so many weapons and munitions behind in their quick exit that the Taliban has just become the most well-armed terrorists on earth!  Let the rape, torture and humiliation of Afghan women begin again!  Even Hamas is pleased with the Taliban victory over America. It’s very possible that we are witnessing the outright collapse of America right before our very eyes. And the only thing that Democrats can think to do is print more money and send it to all their begging voters, promising more food stamps, more Covid relief money, more free college, more free health care, more free time to stay home and refuse to work. Help wanted signs are literally in front of every business from here to  there and yet Dems vote to pay people, with printed money, to stay home. Lord have mercy.


In response to the Taliban re-conquest of Afghanistan, Hamas on Monday congratulated the Afghan people for “defeating” the US.
“We congratulate the Muslim Afghan people for the defeat of the American occupation on all Afghan lands, and we congratulate the Taliban movement and its brave leadership on this victory, which culminated its long struggle over the past 20 years,” Hamas said in a statement.
“While Hamas wishes the Afghan Muslim people and its leadership success in achieving unity, stability and prosperity for Afghanistan and its people, it stresses that the demise of the American occupation and its allies proves that the resistance of the peoples, foremost of which is our struggling Palestinian people, will achieve victory.”

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