
Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Largest Wildfire Ever in California

Words like “biblical” and “apocalyptic” are being thrown around even by the MSM to describe the fires happening around the world. They use the same words to describe the floods happening right now too.  The extremes just keep coming.  It’s like the world is groaning to its Creator to come and release the curse.


Fueled by strong winds and bone-dry vegetation, the Dixie Fire grew to become the largest single wildfire in state history. Residents of the scenic forestlands of Northern California are facing a weekend of fear as it threatens to reduce thousands of homes to ashes.

The fire incinerated much of Greenville on Wednesday and Thursday, destroying 370 homes and structures and threatening nearly 14,000 buildings in the northern Sierra Nevada. It had engulfed an area larger than the size of New York City.

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