
Thursday, August 12, 2021

Senator Rand Paul Suspended From YouTube

 Freedom of speech is under full, frontal attack in America.  The Left controls the vast majority of the MSM and Hollywood and Social Media Platforms so they march to what the Democrats are saying and they cringe as what Conservatives are saying.  If the Left wants you to be very, very afraid of COVID they will talk about all the "dead from Covid" cases for 12 straight months.  If, after 12 months, you and your family still aren't afraid and you actually speak out against mandatory masks, supposed "vaccines", and question the value of forcing the entire planet to get the shot, then you may be silenced.

It's a little frightening when they start silencing elected officials.  Especially a Senator who happens to be a medical doctor.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has been suspended from YouTube for a week over a video claiming that masks are ineffective against COVID-19.

In a statement to The Hill, a YouTube spokesperson said the platform “removed content from Senator Paul’s channel for including claims that masks are ineffective in preventing the contraction or transmission of COVID-19, in accordance with our COVID-19 medical misinformation policies.”

“This resulted in a first strike on the channel, which means it can’t upload content for a week, per our longstanding three strikes policy. We apply our policies consistently across the platform, regardless of speaker or political views, and we make exceptions for videos that have additional context such as countervailing views from local health authorities,” the spokesperson added.

Paul said in a statement that “this kind of censorship is very dangerous, incredibly anti-free speech, and truly anti-progress of science, which involves skepticism and argumentation to arrive at the truth.”

Here;  Rand Paul Suspended From Youtube Over Claims on Covid Mask Wearing - American Action News

If the powers of the world want you to wear masks then they will INSIST that you don't argue with them.  Pointing out evidence against their already made up minds is FUTILE!  

"Silence!  I told you to shut up and I mean it!"  That's how it starts.

"Guards!  Take these uncompliant people away to the place we have prepared!"  That's how it ends.

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