
Saturday, August 7, 2021

So Which One Is It?

Here are 2 articles from CNBC. One article says the outbreaks are happening in unvaccinated areas of the country while the other says 74% of cases are happening in fully vaccinated people. 

Let me sum it up. “Get the vaccine to protect your neighbors or you are a selfish freak who doesn’t deserve to buy groceries. But if you get it the shots you can still get Covid and pass it to your neighbors so stay indoors and masked up or you are a selfish freak. Any questions?”


The data published Friday was based on 469 cases of Covid associated with multiple summer events and large public gatherings held in July in Barnstable County, Massachusetts, which encompasses Cape Cod and is just outside Martha’s Vineyard. The events were held in Provincetown, according to NBC News. Approximately three-quarters, or 74%, of the cases occurred in fully vaccinated people who had completed a two-dose course of the mRNA vaccines or received a single shot of Johnson & Johnson’s.

Many companies are debating whether they should implement vaccination mandates or solely incentivize more of their staff and customers to get vaccinated. The discussion has intensified as the more contagious delta variant continues to infect the largely unvaccinated areas of the United States, causing the seven-day average daily case count to recently surpass last summer’s peak.

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