
Monday, August 16, 2021

Taliban Takes Over Afghanistan

 It didn’t take but a few days for the Taliban to rush into every city in Afghanistan and take over. The longest US war has ended in defeat. The country will now be run by shariah law where they stone women, force all women into burkas in the 100 degree heat and make terrorists who are satanically inspired by the god they call Allah. 


The U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan told Americans to "shelter in place" after it received reports of gunfire at the Kabul international airport. In a security alert released Sunday, the State Department said “the security situation in Kabul is changing quickly including at the airport.” It advised Americans seeking to leave the country to fill out an online form. 

The Pentagon said an additional 1,000 troops would be deployed to Afghanistan to evacuate Americans. This brings the total number of U.S. troops on the ground to 6,000.

Original report: 

Afghanistan’s President Ashraf Ghani fled the country Sunday for Tajikistan as the Taliban terrorist group moved further into Kabul, a senior Afghan Interior Ministry official said.

“The former president of Afghanistan left Afghanistan, leaving the country in this difficult situation. God should hold him accountable,” said Abdullah Abdullah, the head of the Afghan National Reconciliation Council, in an online video, according to a translation of his comments on social media, The Associated Press reported.

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