
Friday, September 10, 2021

China Vows to Show Up on America's Doorstep

 How about we throw in a multiple-pronged attack from some of America's enemies to go along with America's COVID terror, Black Lives Matter, Defund the Police, $32 trillion national debt and a drug and porn epidemic?

For years now, China has been dredging up sand off the ocean floor and piling it in one place, cementing over it and claiming the new "land" as Chinese territory.  They next demand that we can't sail by it or fly over it.  This is happening in the South China Sea.  America sends ships and planes to continually fly and sail through the area to make sure that freedom of navigation continues on these open seas.

Chinese state-run Global Times media outlet published an op-ed from its editorial board on Wednesday vowing that China’s military will soon confront the U.S. in a hostile exchange.

“The US will definitely see the PLA show up at its doorstep in the not-too-distant future,” the op-ed said. “The two sides’ warships and aircraft on the seas will carry huge mutual strategic hostility, and the two countries will not yield to each other.”

“Once the situation gets out of control and triggers military clash between China and the US, we must give full play to our home field advantage. China will definitely win once there is a war,” the Global Times op-ed said.

The op-ed came in response to U.S. Navy guided-missile destroyer USS Benfold conducting a freedom of navigation operation near the Mischief Reef in the Spratly Islands of the South China Sea on Wednesday.

“What the US has done is a naked provocation, and this is obvious to all,” the Global Times op-ed said, adding that the ship “posed a threat” to the “many Chinese people and facilities” on the island.

The op-ed further called on China to take action. “Only by making the US have a taste of its own medicine can we touch the nerves of the US and its allies, and reshape the Western world’s understanding of US bullying in the South China Sea,” it said.

The U.S. Navy 7th Fleet said the U.S. warship sailed in accordance with international law “within 12 miles of Mischief Reef,” an area that China has heavily militarized and reportedly began flying military flights out of earlier this year.

“The land reclamation efforts, installations, and structures built on Mischief Reef do not change this characterization under international law. By engaging in normal operations within 12 nautical miles of Mischief Reef, the United States demonstrated that vessels may lawfully exercise high-seas freedoms in those areas,” the U.S. Navy said.

The U.S. has repeatedly denounced China’s militarization of artificial islands in the South China Sea, as well as its construction of military bases and other industrial facilities in the region, and aggressive behavior toward other nations’ ships in the region.

China claims most of the mineral-rich South China Sea, including areas that reach the shores of its smaller neighbors. Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Taiwan also have overlapping claims to the maritime region. The U.S. has vowed to continue its freedom of navigation operations to ensure free passage in the South China Sea despite China’s threats.

In July 2020, the U.S. released its first official statement rejecting most of China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea as “unlawful.”


A long, long time ago one of my clients with level 5 military clearance told me, "Everyone talks about the powder keg of the Middle East being where WWIII will start, but mark my words, it will start in the South China Sea."

Time will tell if he proves to be correct!

One other tidbit that's of interest.  China communicates with Russia.  During a recent conversation with a stranger from Idaho, he told me that from the chatter he reads and hears is that when China decides to take Taiwan will be the same day that Russia decides to hit Alaska to reclaim it.

One thing for sure, I don't know how many more punches this divided, morally bankrupt society with a debt of $200,000 for every man, woman and child, can take before she folds up in a heap.  We pray that Jesus comes for His bride before this day comes.

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