
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Did They Just Find More Info on Noah's Ark?

 Hey!  This is kind of fun AND it has nothing to do with Covid!!

It comes from an Israel News source and seems to cast some new scientific light on the mystery and validity of Noah's Ark.

The Bible says it landed on the Mountains of Ararat and that's where this big boat-shaped figure has appeared and even seems to match the dimensions of what the Bible says.

The radar surveys were operated at the site by the Oregon-based Topa 3D – who were shocked at the results.

“This is not what you would expect to see if this site is just a solid block of rock or an accumulation of random debris from a mudflow,” Jones told Sun Online.

“But these results are what you would expect to see if this is a man-made boat matching the Biblical requirements of Noah’s Ark.”

The project – Noah’s Ark Scans – say they have found “parallel line and right angles below the surface” which are “something you would not expect to see in a natural, geologic formation”.

The “boat formation” appears to be the “exact length” of the ark as written in the Bible – which is around 150 meters, or 300 cubits in Biblical terms.

This is how you shall make it: the length of the ark shall be three hundred amot, its width fifty amot, and its height thirty amot. (Genesis 6:15)

The site, which is where the Ark rested according to Bible scholars, was initially discovered in 1959 by Turkish army captain Ilhan Durupinar, who spotted the irregular boat formation while snapping aerial photographs of the region for the military.


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